Carbon Monoxide Poisoning – The Threat is Real

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning – The Threat is Real

The temperatures are dropping, which means you’re probably firing up the furnace for the first time of the season. It’s time to be vigilant against carbon monoxide leaks from your home’s furnace. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC): Carbon monoxide, or...
The Joy of a Smart Thermostat

The Joy of a Smart Thermostat

We publish countless tips here on our blog to help you save money on your energy bills. Unfortunately, most of them require at least a little bit of effort from the homeowner to implement. Sometimes, that effort is as miniscule as switching off the lights when you...
Electric Blankets are Great, But Are They Safe?

Electric Blankets are Great, But Are They Safe?

We’ve all been tempted to lower the thermostat to save a few dollars on heating bills in the cold of winter. It’s actually very good for the quality of your sleep, with 67 being about the optimal temperature. Not everyone can be comfortable living as an Eskimo, so an...
Improve Your Indoor Air Quality for the Coming Winter

Improve Your Indoor Air Quality for the Coming Winter

We’re getting our first real cold streak this week. We won’t be able to open the windows for fresh air for awhile, barring a very late Indian Summer. We’ll all be breathing more indoor air than ever in the coming months. This is a good time to focus on cleaning up the...