Hidden Danger: Is Your Furnace Short-Cycling?

Hidden Danger: Is Your Furnace Short-Cycling?

Fall is finally here, and for many homeowners throughout the Columbus area, our furnaces are already starting up. We’re hoping your furnace fired up easily this year, because early fall is one of the busiest times of year for our service techs… who are out...
Routine Fall Maintenance for Your Furnace

Routine Fall Maintenance for Your Furnace

As we’ve seen with the recent heat wave, sometimes the summer drags on beyond the official first day of fall, causing us to forget about what’s coming: cold weather. This is actually the perfect time to schedule an annual tune-up and safety check for your furnace, and...

How to Hack Your HVAC for a Great Night’s Sleep

We all know the importance of a good night’s sleep. The National Sleep Foundation says that adults should get a solid seven or eight hours per night. One little interruption or a bit of discomfort can blow the whole program for some of us. If you’re having trouble...
5 DIY Tips to Bulletproof Your Furnace This Fall

5 DIY Tips to Bulletproof Your Furnace This Fall

Football season, and fall, is upon us. This is the time when HVAC pros switch from focusing on air conditioning to prepping our customers for the coming cold weather, especially in the Canal Winchester area. If you have a gas furnace, you should be doing these things...