HVAC Myths Busted 

At Pickerington Heating & Cooling, we are committed to providing straightforward and reliable information about HVAC systems. There is a lot of misinformation out there, and we know how challenging it can be to separate fact from fiction. As your trusted local heating and cooling experts, we want to bust some common HVAC myths and help you understand the best practices to keep your system running smoothly for years to come. From efficient maintenance to understanding advanced HVAC technology, we’re here to ensure you get the most value from your system. Need expert advice? Give us a call today!  

The HVAC Myth That the Higher the Temperature, the Faster the Home Will Be Cooled/Warmed     

This common myth can catch many off guard, but keep in mind it’s not true. Have you ever found yourself needing to quickly cool down or warm up your home, and you crank the thermostat in hopes of achieving faster results? Unfortunately, that’s not how your thermostat and HVAC system operate. Most systems distribute air at a constant rate regardless of the set temperature. This means whether your air conditioning is set to 50 degrees or 70 degrees, the air will be pushed out at the same rate. Ultimately, setting the thermostat to an extreme temperature just wastes energy without speeding up the process. 

Counter this myth by simply setting your thermostat at your desired temperature and letting your system operate efficiently at its own pace. For a more energy-efficient and convenient way to manage your home’s temperature, consider installing a smart thermostat if you don’t already have one. With a smart thermostat, you can adjust the temperature remotely using your smartphone, providing optimal comfort the moment you step back into your home. This eliminates the need to cool or warm your home “fast.” 

The HVAC Myth That the Placement of the Thermostat Is Not Important   

When it comes to thermostat placement, it’s crucial to get it right. We’ve seen many DIY jobs where thermostats end up in the least strategic places! So, please don’t fall for this myth; the placement of your thermostat is vital! Its job is to communicate with your HVAC system, indicating when to distribute and regulate air. Imagine if your thermostat is positioned near a heat source like a sunlit window, fireplace, heater, or a drafty area such as an exit door or window. This placement can lead to inaccurate temperature readings, causing your HVAC system to operate inefficiently and resulting in uneven temperatures throughout your home. For optimal performance and comfort, ensure your thermostat is placed strategically. 

You should make sure your thermostat is placed on an interior wall, such as a hallway, well away from heat sources or drafty areas. For optimal results, consider consulting a licensed HVAC technician if you lack experience in thermostat installation. This professional approach guarantees your system functions efficiently and reliably over time. 

The HVAC Myth That the Air Filters Do Not Need to be Changed So Often   

Now, let’s address the air filter myth. Long-term customers likely know the drill: we always stress the importance of changing your air filters regularly and on time. According to industry standards, HVAC air filters should be replaced every 30-90 days. Despite this, many people neglect this task, underestimating its necessity. Consider the fact that your HVAC system runs continuously throughout the week, keeping dust and airborne particles out of your system and home. So, you should regularly change your air filters, which is crucial for maintaining high indoor air quality, which impacts both your system’s health and your own well-being.  

Ensure optimal indoor air quality by changing your air filters every 1-2 months as recommended. For enhanced results, consider utilizing high-quality HEPA air filters.  

The HVAC Myth That the Preventative Maintenance Is “Optional”     

We saved this myth for last because it’s one of the most common ones. It is crucial to keep up with your preventative maintenance. While no one can force you to schedule your seasonal maintenance checks, they really shouldn’t be considered optional. Just like you wouldn’t go years without seeing a doctor, the same goes for your HVAC system. Your AC unit and furnace are complex machinery used 24/7 to keep your family comfortable. Regular professional inspections ensure everything runs smoothly and fine-tune the system as needed. 

Counter this myth by adhering to your recommended maintenance checks. Schedule a seasonal maintenance check for your AC unit in the spring or early summer and for your furnace in the fall. This practice not only extends the longevity of your system but ensures your units are ready to handle the upcoming season effectively. Moreover, keeping up with these seasonal checks helps maintain the validity of your equipment manufacturer’s warranty, safeguarding your investment.  

For optimal performance and peace of mind, trust our expertise and make seasonal maintenance a priority. Contact us to schedule your professional maintenance check and ensure your home systems are always in top shape. 

Don’t be fooled by common HVAC myths. Trust the expertise of your local NATE-certified technicians from Pickerington Heating & Cooling to stay informed about your HVAC system. Remember, while some HVAC myths may seem harmless, they can lead to system damage, wasted energy, higher bills, and other costly mistakes. Rely on us to avoid these pitfalls and ensure the optimal performance of your HVAC system. Give us a call for all your HVAC needs, and let our experts provide you with the best solutions in the industry. 

Call Pickerington Heating & Cooling today at (614) 837-4026 or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!